CBSE 11th Class Political Science Syllabus
Course Structure
Part/Unit | Topics | Marks |
A | Indian Constitution at Work | 50 |
1 | Philosophy of the Constitution | 12 |
2 | Rights of the Indian Constitution |
3 | Election and Representation | 10 |
4 | Executive |
5 | Legislature | 10 |
6 | Judiciary |
7 | Federalism | 10 |
8 | Local Governments |
9 | Constitution as a Living Document | 8 |
B | Political Theory | 50 |
10 | Political Theory: An Introduction | 10 |
11 | Freedom |
12 | Equality | 10 |
13 | Social Justice |
14 | Rights | 10 |
15 | Citizenship |
16 | Nationalism | 10 |
17 | Secularism |
18 | Peace | 10 |
19 | Development |
Total | 100 |
Course Syllabus
Part A: Indian Constitution at Work
1. Philosophy of the Constitution
- The making of the Constitution
- The constituent Assembly
- Procedural achievements
- Philosophy of the Constitution
2. Rights in the Indian Constitution
- The importance of Rights
- Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
3. Election and Representation
- Elections and Democracy
- Election System in India
- Reservation of Constituencies
- Free and Fair Elections
- Electoral Reforms
4. Legislature
- Why do we need a Parliament?
- Two Houses of Parliament
- Functions and Power of the Parliament −
- Legislative functions
- Control over Executive
- Parliamentary committees
- Self-regulation
5. Executive
- What is an Executive?
- Different Types of Executive
- Parliamentary Executive in India
- Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
- Permanent Executive −
6. Judiciary
- Why do we need an Independent Judiciary?
- Structure of the Judiciary
- Judicial Activism
- Judiciary and Rights
- Judiciary and Parliament
7. Federalism
- What is Federalism?
- Federalism in the Indian Constitution
- Federalism with a strong Central Government
- Conflicts in India’s federal system, Special Provisions
8. Local Governments
- Why do we need Local Governments?
- Growth of Local Government in India
- 73rd and 74th Amendments
- Implementation of 73rd and 74th Amendments
9. Constitution as a Living Document
- Are Constitutions static?
- The procedure to amend the Constitution
- Why have there been so many amendments?
- Basic Structure and Evolution of the Constitution
- Constitution as a Living Document
Part B: Political Theory
10. Political Theory: An Introduction
- What is Politics?
- What do we study in Political Theory?
- Putting Political Theory to practice.
- Why should we study Political Theory?
11. Freedom
- The Ideal of Freedom
- What is Freedom?
- Why do we need constraints?
- Harm principle
- Negative and Positive Liberty
12. Equality
- Significance of Equality
- What is Equality?
- Various dimensions of Equality
- How can we promote Equality?
13. Social Justice
- What is Justice?
- Just Distribution
- Justice as fairness
- Pursuing Social Justice
14. Rights
- What are Rights?
- Where do Rights come from?
- Legal Rights and the State
- Kinds of Rights
- Rights and Responsibilities
15. Citizenship
- What is citizenship?
- Citizen and Nation
- Universal Citizenship
- Global Citizenship
16. Nationalism
- Nations and Nationalism
- National Self-determination
- Nationalism and Pluralism
17. Secularism
- What is Secularism?
- What is Secular State?
- The Western and the Indian approaches to Secularism
- Criticisms and Rationale of Indian Secularism
18. Peace
- What is Peace?
- Can violence ever promote peace?
- Peace and the State
- Different Approaches to the pursuit of peace
- Contemporary challenges to peace
19. Development
- What is development?
- Criticism of the dominant
- Development Model
- Alternative conceptions of development