CBSE 11th Class Agriculture Syllabus
Course Structure
Part | Section | Unit | Topics | Marks |
I | A | | Agriculture and Crop Production | 30 |
1 | Scope and Importance |
2 | Physical Environment |
3 | Agriculture Economics |
B | | Genetics, Plant Breeding and Microbiology | 15 |
4 | Genetics, Plant Breeding and Microbiology |
II | | | Livestock Production | 25 |
| 5 | Scope and Importance |
| 6 | Care and Management |
| 7 | Bio-waste Management and Government Schemes |
III | | | Practical | 30 |
Course Syllabus
PART A – Agriculture and Crop Production
Unit I: Scope and Importance
- Definition of agriculture
- Branches of agriculture
- Scope of agriculture in the national economy and employment
Unit II: Physical Environment
- Climate and Weather
- Elements of Weather −
- Rainfall
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind
- Sunshine
- Climate Change
- Global warming
- Soil −
- Soil texture
- Soil structure
- Soil types
- Soil distribution
- Soil area
- Soil erosion
- Soil conservation
- Reclamation of problematic soils acidic and alkali
- Tillage definition and types −
- Concept of conservation and tillage
Unit III: Agriculture Economics and Crop Production
- Agricultural economics
- Cooperative system in Agriculture
- Crop Insurance
- Kissan Credit Cards
- Marketing of Agricultural Products (supply chain, retailing, wholesale), haats
- Package & practices like −
- Important varieties
- Seed rate
- Sowing time
- Intercultural operations
- Yield and marketing of −
- Rice
- Wheat
- Maize
- Mustard
- Sunflower
- Soybean
- Groundnut
- Black gram
- Red gram
- Pea
- Jute
- Sugarcane
- Sorghum
- Pearl millet
- Finger millet
- Introduction, distribution and economic importance of fruit −
- Mango
- Banana
- Guava
- Lime
- Grape
- Apple
- Pomegranate
- Introduction, distribution and economic importance of Vegetables −
- Potato
- Tomato
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Brinjal
- Bottle gourd
- Pumpkin
- Cucumber
- Introduction, distribution and economic importance of Flowers −
- Types of seed-foundation and certified and methods of plant propagation layering and cutting, and Tissue culture.
- Important farm implements and their maintenance
PART B – Genetics, Plant Breeding and Microbiology
Unit IV: Genetics, Plant Breeding and Microbiology
- Cell −
- Cell structure
- Cell Division-Mitosis and Meiosis
- significance in plant growth and development
- Introduction to – DNA, RNA, and their differences.
- Genetics −
- Role of Genetics in Plant breeding
- self and cross-pollinated crops
- methods of breeding in field crops-introduction
- selection
- Hybridization
- Mutation
- Mendel’s laws of Inheritance −
- Illustrative depiction of the experiments
- Their importance in plant breeding
- Introduction to −
- Decomposition and Fermentation
Section – II: Livestock Production
Unit V: Scope and Importance
- Importance of livestock in Agriculture
- National Economy and Nutritional security
- Important animal based food products and their role in our diet
- Important animal breeds of our country (cow and buffalo)
- Exotic breeds of cows and their milk production and quality
Unit VI: Care and Management
- Principles of feeding −
- Feeding practices
- Important fodder crops
- Silage and Hay preparation
- Balanced ratio-definition and ingredients
- Concept of grazing and stall feeding including poultry feeding
- Systems of milking by hand and by machine −
- Important considerations in both these methods
- Concept of −
- Clean milk production
- Processing
- Value added products from milk
- Milk pasteurization
- Packaging and milk marketing in india
- Concept of AMUL cooperative system of milk procurement and marketing
- Production of −
- Management of −
- Calves
- Bullocks
- pregnant and milch animals
- chicks and layers
- Animal body structure and functions
- System of animal health and hospital management in India
- Diseases −
- Signs of sick animals
- symptoms of common diseases in cattle and poultry
- Rinderpest
- Black quarter
- Foot and Mouth
- Mestitusand Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
- Fowl Pox
- Ranikhet
- Prevention and control of disease
Unit VII: Bio-Waste Management and Government Schemes
- Utilization of animals in Bio-wastes and Biogas plant
- Important government schemes for livestock production in India
- The important features and eligibility criteria