CBSE 11th Class Psychology Syllabus
Course Structure
Part/Unit | Topics | Marks |
A | Theory | 70 |
1 | What is Psychology | 7 |
2 | Methods of Enquiry in Psychology | 10 |
3 | The bases of Human Behaviour | 8 |
4 | Human Development | 6 |
5 | Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes | 8 |
6 | Learning | 9 |
7 | Human Memory | 8 |
8 | Thinking | 7 |
9 | Motivation and Emotion | 7 |
B | Practical | 30 |
1 | Practical (Experiments) file | 5 |
2 | Project File | 5 |
3 | Viva | 5 |
4 | One Experiment | 15 |
Total | 100 |
Course Syllabus
Unit I: What is psychology?
- Introduction
- What is Psychology?
- Consciousness (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material) −
- Psychology as a Discipline
- Psychology as a Natural Science
- Psychology as a Social Science
- Understanding Mind and Behaviour
- Popular Notions about the Discipline of Psychology
- Evolution of Psychology
- Development of Psychology in India
- Branches of Psychology
- Themes of Research and Applications
- Psychology and Other Disciplines
- Psychologists at Work
- Psychology in Everyday Life −
- Linkages across psychological processes (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit II: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
- Introduction
- Goals of Psychological Enquiry −
- Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
- Alternative Paradigms of Research
- Nature of Psychological Data
- Some Important Methods in Psychology −
- Observational Method
- Experimental Method
- Correlational Research
- Survey Research
- Psychological Testing
- Case Study
- Analysis of Data
- Quantitative Method −
- Concepts and computation of the Measures of Central Tendency
- Graphical Presentation of Data: Bar, Histogram, Polygon (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Qualitative Method
- Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
- Ethical Issues
Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour
- Introduction
- Evolutionary Perspective
- Biological and Cultural Roots
- Biological Basis of Behaviour −
- Structure and Functions of Nervous System and
- Endocrine System and their Relationship with
- Behaviour and Experience −
- The Nervous System −
- Sleep and Wakefulness (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- The Endocrine System
- Heredity −
- Cultural Basis: Socio-Cultural Shaping of Behaviour −
- Enculturation
- Socialisation
- Acculturation −
- Globalization (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Diversity and Pluralism in the Indian Context (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
Unit IV: Human Development
- Introduction
- Meaning of Development −
- Life-Span Perspective on Development
- Factors Influencing Development
- Context of Development
- Overview of Developmental Stages −
- Infancy
- Childhood
- Challenges of Adolescence
- Adulthood and Old Age
Unit V: Sensory, Attentional, and Perceptual Processes
- Introduction
- Knowing the world
- Nature and varieties of Stimulus
- Sense Modalities −
- Visual Sensation
- Auditory Sensation
- Attentional Processes −
- Selective Attention
- Sustained Attention
- Perceptual Processes −
- Processing Approaches in Perception
- The Perceiver
- Principles of Perceptual Organisation
- Perception of Space, Depth, and Distance
- Monocular Cues and Binocular Cues
- Perceptual Constancies
- Illusions
- Socio-Cultural Influences on Perception −
Unit VI: Learning
- Introduction
- Nature of Learning
- Paradigms of Learning
- Classical Conditioning
- Determinants of Classical Conditioning
- Operant/Instrumental Conditioning −
- Determinants of Operant Conditioning
- Key Learning Processes
- Observational Learning
- Cognitive Learning
- Verbal Learning
- Concept Learning
- Skill Learning
- Transfer of Learning −
- Learning Curve (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Factors Facilitating Learning
- The Learner −
- Learning Disabilities
- Applications of Learning Principles
Unit VII: Human Memory
- Introduction
- Nature of memory
- Information processing Approach: The Stage Model
- An alternative approach – The Information Processing Perspective (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Memory Systems − Sensory, Short-term and Long-term Memories
- Levels of Processing
- Types of Long-term Memory
- Declarative and Procedural; Episodic and Semantic
- Knowledge Representation and Organisation in Memory
- Memory as a Constructive Process
- Nature and Causes of Forgetting
- Forgetting due to Trace Decay, Interference and Retrieval Failure
- Pathologies related to Memory (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Enhancing Memory
- Mnemonics using Images and Organisation
Unit VIII: Thinking
- Introduction
- Nature of Thinking
- Building Blocks of Thought
- The Processes of Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Reasoning
- Decision-making
- Nature and Process of Creative Thinking
- Nature of Creative Thinking
- Process of Creative Thinking
- Developing Creative Thinking
- Barriers to Creative Thinking
- Strategies for Creative Thinking
- Thought and Language
- Stages of Cognitive Development Introduction to the ideas of Piaget, and Vygotsky (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Development of Language and Language Use
Unit IX: Motivation and Emotion
- Introduction
- Nature of Motivation
- Types of Motives
- Biological Motives
- Psychosocial Motives
- Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs
- Nature of Emotions
- Physiological Bases of Emotions
- Cognitive Bases of Emotions
- Cultural Bases of Emotions
- Expression of Emotions
- Culture and Emotional Expression
- Culture and Emotional Labelling
- Managing Negative Emotions
- Enhancing Positive Emotions
- Human Existence (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Competence (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Self-efficacy (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Intrinsic motivation (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)
- Development of positive emotions (From the CBSE Supplementary Reading Material)