8 Useful Tips to Score a 90+ in Class 10 Maths Board Exams

Preparing for Class 10 exams? Here are some useful tips on how to prepare for the same.

Maths Preparation Tips: Although Maths is considered to be one of the highest scoring subjects in class 10 and there are about 60% of the students who don’t like the subject much. Mathematics can play the role of a nightmare to some students and fun for others. Either one can get it completely right or entirely wrong. However, this is the reason behind making the subject scoring.

How to Score Full Marks in Maths

Many of us believe that to score high in Mathematics one should have an extraordinary brain. But this is not true. Maths is a subject that develops rational thinking and a logical approach in a student. It is quite difficult for a student to fall in love with Mathematics overnight but here are a few tips to enhance your Mathematics score.

Follow These During Your Preparation

1. Maintain a Separate Register for Formulae, Theories, and Methods

This subject is all about formulae, theories, and concepts, and you are always suggested to keep them handy. You can read them even when you are on the go. This practice is really useful when you are doing your last-minute revision.

2. Find Solutions Yourself

It is good to go through various types of problems, but at the same time, you should also make sure that you solve them for yourself. It is easy to learn the theories and concepts but to learn their application is not that simple. So, if you want to score full marks in Mathematics, you need to solve each question by yourself, at least 3 to 4 times.

3. Understand the Syllabus

Having a clear understanding of your syllabus and weight to various sections will definitely help you to decide how much time you should dedicate to each section. For example, if you are aware that there will be a 5 mark question from a specific section, then you don’t have to spend too much time on such questions.

4. Determine the Areas of Improvement

Realizing the areas where you need to focus more will definitely help you to score better. Solving sample papers, and writing tests can help you to find those sections in which you need more practice so that you can improve your scores.

Things to Consider During Examination

5. Keep the Exam Paper Clean

You should keep in mind that the examiner has to understand every step of your answer and in most the cases, he would not be having much time to spend on a single answer. Avoid overwriting and cutting clean margins for rough work.

6. Answer in Steps

Whenever you go through an answer, ensure to pay special attention to the steps that helped you to reach out to get the answer. You cannot simply write the answer and get full marks in Maths, so simply paying attention to the figures is waste of time. Instead of all this, learn to keep the steps involved. You will definitely secure some marks for each step.

7. Attempt the Familiar Questions

Read the question paper thoroughly before you begin to solve the questions. It is very normal to get stuck on questions that you are not aware of but simply remembers that you have a stipulated time to attend the paper. In order to score high in Maths, you must attend to the questions you know and then move on to the unfamiliar ones.

8. Draw Graphs

Using graphs and figures can help you to score more marks if you make them with concentration and neatness. For this, you will need a ruler and a sharpened pencil. These are some of the simplest things that you should not forget to carry as they play a vital role in fetching marks. To give your best performance in Class 10 Maths Board Exams, make sure you are not afraid of the subject. Rather, make it a fun experience. The only thing that you should remember is that there are no shortcuts in Maths.

Exams play a vital role in a person’s life and feeling nervous before it is quite normal. However, if you prepare for it in the right way, then there is nothing to worry about.

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